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My Boxing Journey

Boxing. A long forgotten pastime. Did you know that boxing started sometime during Roman Era? It's true. It looked much different back then and usually ended with the death of one opponent...I think I will stick to modern day boxing!

Boxing we know today exploded during the great depression at a time when America needed it most. Known as the spectators sport, boxing became a social event for businessmen, politicians and executives. The upper class. While the rich watched it live, the lower class tuned into radios to listen. It became a sensation across the world and people looked forward to matches.

Due to the depression, fighters new and old were forced to compete for whatever purse the bout offered, which at times was nothing. Many great boxers came to light in this era: Joe Lewis, James Braddock, Gene Tunney, Henry Armstrong and many more. Since then, boxing has produced some of the greatest athletes ever known.

For me, boxing was a barbaric, gritty sport. I never gave it any mind until Levi, my coach (and husband) came into my life.

Levi started boxing competitively back in 2001 at the young age of 19. He mostly fought in smokers and brawls all across the northwest until he left Montana for the Army in 2005. He returned to Montana in 2010 with me and our newborn son, July, in tow. He met up with his old boxing coach and began volunteering with the amateur team. His coach ended up moving away and the team fizzled out. Levi, with the help of many great coaches, now runs Montana Boxing Academy in a new facility in Belgrade, MT. We have an amazing team of athletes, including my son (pictured above).

So, how did my love of boxing begin? Well I will tell you! My first boxing match was a local semi-pro smoker. It was awesome but nothing out of the ordinary. It still seemed to be a brutish sport where men fought for their machismo. Then Levi took me to watch an amateur show...

A few of the kiddos Levi had worked with in the past were on the card. I almost stayed home, but boy was I glad I didn't! The fights were so different. I found myself out of my seat the entire time, screaming at the top of my lungs! Those kiddos gave everything in the ring that day. There was so much passion and emotion in that gymnasium and I wanted to be a part of it.

I started going to Levi's adult classes soon after. I was still in college so I had a lot of free time. He trained me in the basics and I eventually became a part of the all womens' class. At the time, I was also at my peak running season so I really only boxed a couple days a week. Never really taking boxing serious, but I loved the training. Into my second year of training, I found out Levi and I would be expecting our second child, June Bug. My training halted.

You tell yourself this pregnancy will be different. I WILL be more active and exercise, but then the nausea and fatigue kicks in and all that nonsense goes out the window. Though I was a lot more active with this pregnancy, my only exercise consisted of occasional walks with my son. I still managed to gain 40 pounds and was miserable by month 8. June came and was healthy as can be. It took me a few months to bounce back and get back to training. I also jumped into helping coach and took over the womens' class. This helped me get a better understanding of the sport as I was constantly looking for new drills and ways to train. But I still felt I needed something more...

Maybe it was a mid-life crisis? Or just the need to shake the funk of the postpartum phase I was stuck in. All I knew is that I wanted to step in the ring to experience it for myself. I approached Levi and discussed what it would take to get me competition ready. My little one had just turned one. At 35 years old, I decided the time was right. Why compete you ask? How can I expect our youth to train and listen to my instruction if I have never competed before? I decided to do it for the kiddos mostly, but also for myself. Not many sports can can compare to the discipline and conditioning boxing takes. Boxers are a different breed. I mean, they KNOW they are getting punched in the face when they enter the ring and they still do it. That takes heart.

So, the next few weeks I will be blowing up the feed with my training. I am matched for June 9th at 125 pounds. My current weight is 132. Stay tuned for updates on how I plan on losing the weight and what my training will look like!

Wish me luck!


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